
Fusion x Xyz Festival from on September 19th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Rush Vice-Madame out via any possible means (Confusion Confession, Cartesia, Magicalized Fusion, etc) and start generating advantage. The Magicians' Souls package is great if you can hold off until Vice-Madame is on the field - preparation + chaos + souls is enough to activate all 3 effects.

Cartesia into Granguignol lets you send the Alba-Lenatus to search Deployment, Magicalized, or Confession to extend the following turn.

Getting to Souls with too many spells in hand is also a good way to unbrick yourself. If all else fails, Souls + Genni into Slacker Magician and hold out for Downerd + Zeus.

Bagooska/Timethief are good to stall or go into Zeus from Cartesia+Schmietta if you can't use the Cartesia Effect and you can get to Schmietta with any Witchcrafter on field and a spell card in hand.

Mudragon exists mainly to unbrick your hand if you have absolutely nothing else and need to dump names into the grave to get their effects rolling.

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