
Legend Anthology - Academy from on June 24th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 1050
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The goal is to fill the grave as quickly as possible and avoid defeat by cycling the Dark Spirits and the lvl 8 Fiends until the opponent is out of resources.

The ED is one big toolbox, can be modified (bud I'd leave Underclock taker as it's the best target for Soul of Disaster).

Kuribandit is Chaos Ruler at home and often much better than Tour Guide.

Wolfrayet is hilarious as oftentimes you get to make it spin ready quickly during your endphase.

Everything else is pretty self explanatory.

The Shiranui replay is crazy.

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ID: 879-933-619

v Cydra (blowout)

v Shiranui (clenched my cheeks more than once)