
Legend Anthology - Academy from on June 13th, 2023
cp-ur 300 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mayakashi bone tower mill Find a way to have both mezuki and bone tower in the gy + dakki and any 1* on the field uni-zombie for deck/discard send to gy send mezuki or bone tower to gy with yuki-musume hajun->dakki->full mayakashi synchros->links using dakki usually that takes care of the whole deck, sometimes you end up with dakki, hajun and yuki musume on the board, if that happens you have full normal climb + an extra line just in case the player is running a 60card deck

If you fail to get bone tower out, just do the normal mayakashi line up to gashadokuro

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ID: 986-967-137 for the replays of 5 win streak games using the deck