
Legend Anthology - Academy from on June 15th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos


No Worms in here this time, sorry! In celebration of the newly announced support, here's Ogdoadic.

This deck feels insane. You can set up Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll + Alien Kid and/or Planet Pollutant Virus to lock your opponent's on-field monsters from activating effects or attacking. More importantly, this deck's grind game is insane once you're set up, and there's no Ash Blossom or Maxx "C" to stop you from getting there!

There are some suboptimal choices (run better synchros and Reptilianne Echidna if you have them) but otherwise I don't think I'd change much.

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon is for poor souls on the Cydra loaner or something.

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