
Legend Anthology - Acceleration from on February 13th, 2024
cp-ur 270 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Melffy Ghoti rules. Without Arionpos, synchro climb is way harder, so you may consider adding a third Snopios, so that you'll have a higher chance of having level 6 as your non-tuner ready to tune-up. Askaan and White Aura Whale can wrap up games on their own if you choose the timing of their summon right. This event lacks a lot of staples, and I found this Extra Deck effective enough.

Melffy Fenny is my least favourite card in this deck, but it serves well as a second target for Wally in absence of Catty. Guoglim and Earlie didn't came up so far, but without Level 10 Synchros, I couldn't find better options. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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