
Legend Anthology - Acceleration from on February 13th, 2024
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Nouvelles! For when your ritual pet deck needs are too great to ignore. No Heralds hurts the consistency as does the lack of Pre-Prep, but there's still a handful of starters. Confrontation should be used in Draw or Standby Phase to play around Veiler since it's the only handtrap in the format beyond a one-of Imperm. Otherwise, anything for Poissonniere works. If you have a way to Ritual Summon and opened both Manju and Poissonniere, normal summon Manju to fish for interruption. Remember that if you search out Benten, Benten will only give you a Manju when tributed since all Nouvelle monsters are Dark.

The Extra Deck is an assorted hodgepodge of options, though it's pretty limited due to things like Cross Sheep or other climbing being out. Most of the time you're just going to use Couverture and Dyna Mondo anyhow. BLS is mostly just a generic Link-3 with a fat body that might banish something (though it will lack protections since your board caps at Level 6. There's a couple of generic low-link Cyberse monsters for climbing into Accesscode if they don't scoop after having their entire board cooked up at least 2-3 times that turn.

Feel free to swap out things in the Extra Deck to fit tastes. I don't think I ever went into Bomber Dragon, it's mostly a 'just in case' nuke.

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