
Legend Anthology from on February 12th, 2025
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 450
58 cards

Notes & Combos

It's just Magia turbo, best board is Magia + Borrel + Earlie + Timegraph. Taotie is best L3 for arrows and you can consistently get the fusion effect.

Step 1:

Get IoC in GY or hand through drawing it, souls, prep, timestar, foolish. Or get Chaos MAX in GY or hand with shrine or foolish. Or cut it, I just have a Royal.

Step 2:

Get BE Ultimate in GY with Gate Zero on field effect.

Step 3:

Get Ultimate Fusion by drawing it or Gate Zero Pend effect (It scales itself after using on field eff)

A lot of people scoop when they see pend because they don't realize everything good is banned.

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ID is 609-817-207

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