Notes & Combos
This deck is inconsistent so don't spend lots of URs on it. You need to open Santa Claws or lose to Exodia going 2nd.
Goal is to make Beyond the Pendulum then pend summon Supreme King Gate Magician, Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer and Harmonizing Magician.
End board with a good hand:
- Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon. Made with Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver's pend eff and Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler in hand. They are searched by Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer when he's special summoned. After making Vortex, use Butler's monster eff from GY to pop Dissolver and summon itself. This gives you another body and removes Dissolver from the pend zone. Vortex can also be made with Proxy F Magician and Butler on the field in awkward hands.
- Borreload Savage Dragon or Number 106: Giant Hand using Harmonizing Magician + lvl 4 Magician summoned by her when she's pend summoned from hand. Make Savage after linking off Beyond the Pendulum for Decode Talker or Proxy F Magician. Make Giant Hand if you don't have Beyond to link off or a level 4 tuner. Stardust Dragon and Tornado Dragon are other options if you have them.
- Supreme King Gate Magician & Soul of the Supreme Celestial King for Supreme King Z-ARC board wipe. Gate Magician searches Celestial when special summoned.
- Star & Time Pendulumgraph. Searched by Pend Sorc popping Double Iris when pend summoned to search Star Pendulumgraph. Use Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon to negate the 2nd Double Iris that you activate to search Time Pendulumgraph.
- Decode Talker if you managed to get Beyond the Pendulum.
Supreme King Gate Magician might be the only Magician on the field by the end of the combo. In this case, you'll have to use it for both Time Pendulumgraph and Soul of the Supreme Celestial King. To do this, activate Time as CL1 and Celestial as CL2. Time will send a card to the GY instead of destroying it because it did not destroy 2 cards. This can help remove cards that can't be destroyed.
Going 2nd tools vs non-Exodia decks include Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing, Arc Rebellion XYZ Dragon made with Raider's Knight or destroying Purple Poison Magician with Pendulum Sorcerer or by attacking with a Dark Spellcaster. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom can copy Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon in the GY to clear the field in rare cases. I never used Accesscode Talker.