
Legend Anthology from on February 11th, 2025
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 750
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Fun Tech Options you could consider cutting entirely:

Shining Star Dragon, Time To Stand Up & 3rd Resonator Command, could also cut the Wildwind if you feel like it.

This list can easily be optimized depending on what you face, I personally consider the Twin Twisters, heavy storm and feather duster as cutable if you're not seeing enough decks it can deal with, I Mainly added them in there to deal with the Exodia deck traps ofc baiting the negate on something else, it was by far the deck I saw the most & it was only every any trouble if it went first, even then I often felt like I could deal with it depending on hand.

I Initially had 3 Imperm in the deck but it just didn't seem to do enough for me, if you feel the need you can replace some stuff with it. Veilers were pretty solid vs the Exodia boss and various other things so I decided to Keep them as they always felt like they had some use not to mention they can be used as a lv 1 tuner with ascator to make RDA Abyss.

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