
Limit One Festival from on May 18th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

So I went with a Nouvelles core because besides 'burger funny', I had been practicing a lean version to emulate something akin to Voiceless Voice in order to fit all the non-engine it can play. Since everything is Limit One, I decided to fill the missing spaces with extra engines.

Adventurer is a natural fit since there may not be a Normal Summon effect, since very little preferred Normal Summons could be drawn (Diviner of the Herald, Manju of the Ten Thousand Hand, and Poissonniere de Nouvelles). In fact, Water Enchantress of the Temple pulls double duty as Ritual fodder with a modest 3 levels worth, followed by the GY activation to search Rite of Aramesir. Also, Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon offers extra targeting opportunities and therefore removal with Nouvelles effects.

The Dinosaur Branded engine contribute high levels for Ritual fodder in addition to big swingy plays, which is nice threat deterrence in format with such limited resources. Also another ideal Foolish Burial selection when Water Enchantress cannot be dumped, since Overtex Qoatlus can search Double Evoution Pill and Albion the Shrouded Dragon can enable a BranFu set-up with Branded Retribution. The preferred BranFu fodder is Qoatlus.

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