
Limit One Festival from on May 17th, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

6-Win Streak!

Game 1: Zoodiac

Going 2nd

Dunno why they didn’t search a Kashtira monster with Fenrir’s effect before popping it with a Zoodiac spell. Nibiru brought out an immediate concede.

Game 2: Tear/Kash/Visas Pile

Going 1st

Ascended Sage + Lv 4 was enough to set up a board that stopped their plays. Drew into Feather Duster Turn 3 to wipe their entire backrow and guarantee the win!

Game 3: Tenyi Swordsoul

Going 1st

Got Nibiru’d, but they seemed to have a bricky hand. They forfeited the moment I had follow up Turn 3, even though it didn’t really amount to much. Funnily enough, their username was WhySoTryhard, heh.

Game 4: Tear/Kash/Visas Pile

Going 2nd

Opponent didn’t seem to have much as they only had 2 face downs and a normal summoned Scheiren. When I tried to set up XYZ Change Tactics, they chained Tearlaments Heartbeat, which I responded with a Forbidden Droplet Chain Link 3 to send my own spell so they won’t get the discard effect. Afterwards, I just set up OTK with Utopia Double for an easy game.

Game 5: Tear/Kash/Mannadium

Going 2nd

Opponent got some sick plays out and set up Tri-Heart and Rulkallos. After Feather Dustering away their Reichphobia field spell, I set up my Level 4’s. They could have negated and destroyed my ZS - Utopic Sage, but they were probably saving it for something bigger. Unfortunately for them, I was able to set up Number F0: Utopic Draco Future and got my XYZ Change Tactics to draw me into Forbidden Droplet to negate the Tri-Heart.

From there I set up Dragonar and Leo to set up my board. Had I used Gagagaga Magician’s effect as Draco Future’s material to boost Dragonar to 4k attack, I would’ve likely gotten lethal that turn since they had killed my Full-Armored XYZ trap card on their turn which enabled me to equip Utopia Prime onto Dragonar, but I was running very short on time since I had to think a LOT to play through their board. Thankfully, they passed and let me win the next turn, thus solidifying the win streak!

Game 6: Rescue-Ace

Going 1st

Managed to go full-combo, even though they pitched Air Lifter on my turn to summon Fire Engine and Hydrant. Had Leo negate the Fire Engine Turn 1, set up Dark Lancer to absorb the Hydrant on their turn, and they conceded.

Game 7: Kashtira Labyrinth [GAME LOSS]

Going 2nd

They opened with Fenrir. Didn’t draw any interaction until Turn 2. Not much else could be done.

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