
Master I from on April 7th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I had Mudora in there as well and I also tried with two Arias, but this is the build I went on a big run with from like master 3 to master 1.

-Arias is not super good in this build but it is never a brick in the hand and it is an easy extra body on the field, which Lab really needs. It also helps with going into Chaos Angel (with Arianna).

-Chaos Angel and Muckraker are the only cards that matter from the extra deck and they matter more than I heard from other Lab players (especially Chaos).

-Rivarly is the best card in this deck, it wins so many games by itself going first and it helps stabalize if you go second and break a board. This is made for this fire format and this card is the best against snake-eyes. I won more than I lost against snake-eyes even going second.

-I had Torrential tribute at 2 last season but it feels better at 1, I still wanted to have it because it is good and can break boards.

-Full virus is admittedly a gimmicky card that I enjoy but it is better than you think, it can win games on its own against certain matchups (Mathmech, Floo, Superheavy and even snake-eys if timed-well and with some luck). Especially in early master, I would go through the effort to search and activate it with Lady and Clock if I have both Welcomes (I was lucky to encounter less Ash than normal).

-Powersink is very good and underrated in general, I could argue it is even better than Skill Drain for this deck. So, you could add another.

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