Notes & Combos
13 winstreak from M4 to M2... Deck can play into a lot of handtraps and break huge boards. If they finally ban maxx c we will get 5 extra cards to play around even more stuff.
578-749-674 (check replays, you wont regret it)
Top Secret Packs used
Maxx c is banned in tcg and mannadium still isnt the best deck... We even have 3 fenrir and teraforming... Banning maxx c would shake up MD... Hand trap meta is getting boring imho
not really...same logic applies to all decks... maxx c takes up 9 slots in your deck (3 maxx, 3 ash, 2 called by, 1 crossout). 9 cards to adapt to current meta is a LOT... i've had a really easy climb and i dont even play maxx c, BUT was still forced to play all the counters i could for it... if i had 5 extra slots in my deck (and no maxx c to worry about) i'd say it wouldn't even matter if i lost my coinflip... if you check the replays you will see i am mostly going 2nd into full board against all meta decks (except snake-eyes, i didnt get any of those replays saved cause salty snake-eye players usually leave when they see droplet or talents).
this new ban list does show konami is going in a different direction with the only concern is that they might decide to bann baronne in MD BEFORE they bann the roach...that would be a big problem... losing baronne would be a hit to mannadium combo lines, but if you look at it only as a nib protection in under 5 summons we can do that with apollousa as well... + counter trap would become even more important endboard piece in order to counter boardbreakers.