
Master I from on April 21st, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 180
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Me run 3x cosmic because cosmic lowkey hits every deck I see on the ladder. Came up a lot and won me a lot of duels.

Toggle on when diabellstar activates to set a spell/trap and cosmic before they can activate subversion/sinful spoils was a common one.

Omega+Dis Pater for handrip shenanigans.

OG Stardust was cool.

Fire meta is highkey booty and if you enjoy this meta I'm sorry about your childhood. I play because I currently hate women and found that I have a lot of free time as a result.

Why roach when can just play game?

Me go floodgate people with dinomorphia in event now

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Made a couple of a cool replays public on my profile.

ID: 962-976-888