
Master I from on April 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 240
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Main difference compared to other mannadium decks is using branded package to summon mirror jade and use rinds eff as necessary for interruption. I found the combo into apollousa to be too vulnerable. Apollousa can be rammed over by kash unicorn, diabel. Having mirrorjade's monster removal eff+threat to destroy field if opp can't one turn kill was more valuable to me.

Also, drew inspiration from another decklist to go with 45 cards. This reduces chances of drawing branded fusion and albaz while still being able to use the kash package for starting combos or play thru interruption.

Might also be helpful to have a 2nd ttt especially versus snake eyes to steal apol. Can replace with one visas samsara. I found droplet to be valuable for board breaking or protection.

ED is pretty set except for one spot. Chaos Angel is great turn 2 vs snake eyes and for playing thru Maxx C and pushing for finish even if they drew nib or effect veiler. Having a 2nd Light heart would also be great if it got ashed or imperm, mitigate kash unicorn vanish, and getting 2nd field spell as necessary for your next turn.

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Replays: 778-450-181

Got a couple replays of different variations of this deck with branded package starting with Mar 31