Notes & Combos
This Mannadium list is super unconventional as the deck focuses on creating a big endboard with defensive cards, plays through multiple disruptions when going 2nd to pop a bunch of cards and OTK your opponent.
After posting my Master 5 list earlier this month I recieved some DMs asking me about why I play certain cards. I'll share my responses here to hopefully help others who are interested in the board breaker approach to Mannadium in MD. If you're looking for more general tips on this deck you can check out my long list of notes in my Master 5 deck profile
Why A Hero Lives?
- Mannadium benfit a lot from a speical summon push espeically when it combos well with your other engine pieces
- In MD, seeing Fenrir is not consistant enough to justify the Kash package
- Prisma synergizes better with Mannadium because it plays better into handtraps, gets baron on 3rd summon, it's a lvl 4 light monster that helps with syncro plays + rank 4 plays and it's not once per turn allowing you to send all of your Visas' to the grave
- Hard drawing prisma is not always bad since there are a few 2 card combos that allow you push through disruption even when prisma gets impermed (prisma + arrival / samsara / abscission, and can be shuffled back with imaginings)
- Prisma will become even better next season as it gives you a +2 and allows you to swing into S:P for free
Why E-CON?
- E-Con is a card that is always live going 1st/2nd
- Most decks in the meta have targeting effects (SE, Rescue ace, Tear, etc.)
- Typically E-Con helps you beat 2 disruptions
- Can help you send Samsara/Visas to grave
- Allow you to take their monster + always link them away or attack them for lethal
- No one is playing around this card and can help you protect Apollo when they try to attack over her
Why not end on a syncro heavy board?
- Normally you need to use 2 Astralouds to make a big syncro heavy board and automatically weakends your followup
- Most Mannadium players use up all of their resources to make Chaos Angel / Aegirine / Chengying and when their "insane" endboard gets "outed" they scoop
- The goal is to make a strong enough endboard to beat your opponent on turn 2, but always get as much follow up as possible to reverse crack their board with powerful link monsters and OTK them
ID: 390-134-956
- Replay #1: Going 2nd Vs Snake-eyes (playing through fenrir, Maxx-CC, Princess, Veiler x2, Ash bloss, Linkuriboh
- Replay #2: Going 1st, playing through HTs + reading HT delays
- Replay #3 Going 1st into Maxx-C + playing patient through Rivalry
- Replay #4: Going 2nd vs Superheavy Samurai, droplet my whole hand away and using 1 Riumheart to OTK my opponent
- Replay #5: Shows 1 Reichheart resolving = OTK and using Swarmship's effect to gain ATK for link monsters in the GY
- Replay #6: OTK through the best SE board in the game + MAXX-C + Ash Bloss + Called by the grave with a "bad hand"