
Master I from on April 20th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 450
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Didnt post a decklist for march season since I just did mathmech again. Went with mathmech again this season but with some HEAT courtesy of Mordred. I love 60 card piles and this one felt good! Lots of small world bridges to either side of the deck. Strongest endbord is terahertz + hydrant + heatsoul with set superfact + 4 rescue ace spells/traps and desavewurm in gy. Deck has quite a bit of gas and can play thru multiple hand traps. Can struggle going second into crazy boards. Chose evenly as a thrust target since it is pretty good into RACE and snake eyes and lab

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check out replays at: 279-451-971 (mostly going first)