
Master I from on April 12th, 2024
cp-ur 1440 + cp-sr 480
60 cards

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First time getting Master 1 and I did it with Rescue-Ace Snake. Took a break in 2012 but decided to pick up Master Duel about a year ago so I wasn't really knowledgeable with this whole fire meta until it hit Master Duel. I've also never tested RACE with any other combo lines/nor played it pure, so my only experience was with the snakes.

Played with RACE before the new support dropped but Emergency & Preventer pretty much took it over the edge. My only notable L's on the climb up were to Lab (Though I'd say I probably have a 80% WR vs the deck), Rikka (Played against like two guys and had no idea what the deck really did), & SHS.

The deck has a really good matchup until most decks as whenever the RACE combos didn't work I would just fall back on the snake-eyes, or vice-versa. Can out perform Snake-Eyes & I usually had more gas in the tank to deal with Lab. Also Branded gave me some issues at times but the grind game with this deck can even out perform Branded if played right.

Decided to play a 60 card version just to make sure all the main cards were included. The ratios on the RACE cards just felt right, especially Hydrant at 2. Snake ratios also felt fine. Also playing the Diabellstar at 2 also felt fine considering I have the wanted at 3.

MVPs: Kurikara: Outs most decks, easy to search off ash if needed. Apollousa: Honestly the realest MVP at times. If I can't pull it off in the snake line combo I would sometimes just summon it on an empty board with a single hand trap in hand and maybe an Imperm, that was enough to win games.

Preventer: This card is insanely busted, watch any combo video and you'll know why.

That Grass Looks Greener: The odds of getting this in your first hand is very slim but when you do it's such a combo starter.

Debated removing: Blocker: I threw him in around Master 2, didn't make him once but before I threw him in there were times where I wish I had him to dump a RACE card just to enable a Preventer or Turbulence

Feather Duster: Honestly I did remove this for Subversion just cause I didn't feel that it was very impactful in most games (If I ever saw it). Really only put it in to mess with Lab but I never saw it in any of my games.

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If you got any questions hmu and I'll try and answer some. Replays of some matches are here: 601-713-536