
Master I from on April 30th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 480
45 cards

Notes & Combos


I struggle a great deal this month, I guess I'm not yet a reasonably good player.

suffered a lot going 2nd, handtraps can't work to the desired effects compared to previous month. as if many opponents can extend much better with new cards. Run into many many fire decks with snake-eye as baits.

i've also been quite unlucky in terms of coin flip and internet connection. the server is just (^&^^&(& stupid, because I'd always deemed having lost a game if the server doesn't respond before the game even starts! can't they just make it so nothing happens if a player drops before a game starts? CURSE konami!

bouncer was added from master3, replacing one copy of droplet. I started out with the exact same list as last month but suffered badly so I dropped out cactus and rose girl in favor of more handtraps, which included a veiler. after having lost so many coin flips I played 2 droplets to help with going 2nd, but I think I'm still learning to use this card without costing too much of my own resources.

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due to my struggles, I can only manage to get a single replay of reasonable quality this month, by that I mean no significant misplays and/or luck issues on both sides, showcasing chiefly skills.