
Master I from on April 18th, 2024
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 270
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Standout cards were Talents, Reboot, and Kurikara; all three won me many games going second. Talents in particular is a must have in this meta imo. The Synchro package is also extremely powerful going first. I still hope Baronne/Borreload get banned in MD, but until then I will be using them..

Cards that could be added:

  • Nibiru - cut because it doesn't play that well into the majority of my matchups, which were Snake mirrors, Lab, Tear, R-ACE
  • Dharc, Selene - Couldn't fit because I think having both Zealantis and Accesscode is important. Some Zealantis lines can't lethal on an open board since you need Promethean to revive itself and pop a card on the opponent's side. I also think the Synchro package isn't just win more; the omni-negates and Elf's target protection are a huge difference than sitting on just Apollo with Princess in GY.
  • Kashtira package - good at eating handtraps but if the opponent holds Imperm for Ash then it doesn't do that much. Takes up too much deck space in an already extremely tight deck

I hope they hit this deck soon.

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