
Master I from on August 16th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 600
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck was very good pre kash but going second into kash sucks: birth counters fountain and no darks/lights to bystial even just for bodies.

The deck is very powerful going first, but dependent on what the opening set of cards.

Wish I could cut maxx c and play chaos space and other stuff. Unfortunately the card is too necessary and chaos space bricks a little too much.

before thi I played other versions. Some bystial/herald/dogmatika versions and different techs within this build too.

I hate to put down the deck I grinded with, but this is just not it in this format. I climbed up to m2 pre kash release with a 70% win rate and fell back down to m4 and stagnated a lot after it released. After the whole grind I think my post kash win rate was 55%, maybe 60% at most.

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vs chaoticmeat

(this one is for the dogmatika version of the deck)