Code Talker

Master I from on August 27th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 630
54 cards

Notes & Combos

I played this from D5-M5. Played mathmech from M5-M4 then switched back to this from M4-M1.

I decided to try out mathmech at the beginning of master because it can deal with Kashtira a little better going 2nd than code talker can. However I wasn't facing Kashtira as much as I was in diamond, so I switched back to code talker.

The deck performed really well for me in Master. I had 70% win rate from M4-M1.

Standard combo ends on Firewall Co-Link + Iblee + Superfactorial. A small percentage of hands can end on Iblee extra link + superfactorial.

You can play the 2nd Accesscode if you want (instead of 2nd code talker), but it's very rare for the 2nd Accesscode to actually help you against Kashtira. Shifter and Dimensional Fissure are problems that you can't really play through. Sometimes if they banish Update Jammer it is actually worse than banishing Accesscode. There are many ways to otk without Accesscode. You have to stop the board from being made or open board breakers to realistically beat Kashtira going 2nd with this deck and this won't make you lose Accesscode.

1 Iblee because there are still a lot of bystials in the format and you never want to normal summon it.

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