
Master I from on August 28th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I tried out Fenrir for a while and while he's nice in theory (adding pressure to every board going first and second and fetching you himself as a discard for your furnitures), in practice he was just kind of useless. Every game going first was winnable without him and he did not break boards going second without another handtrap. He's just not equipped to deal with Tearlaments endboards or dragon link/kashtira combo boards. So I ended up cutting him.

Gamma is absolutely disgusting and usually deals with most decks as a handtrap going second on his own. Plus he can protect your pot and welcome traps against ash, which is kind of the devil lmao. Since Ash is such a good card against Lab I decided to play two called bys, who compliment the heavy furniture engine.

Speaking of which, the three cooclocks are amazing! They make your turn 1 play soooo much better and allow you to break boards more easily!

Here are some nifty combos you can keep in mind!

  • going first; Arianna, Cooclock and Torbie/Chandraglier: Normal summon Ari, search Lovely -> Activate Clock in hand -> Activate furniture, pitch Lovely and set Big welcome -> trigger Clock to summon -> Link Arianna and Clock into Muckraker -> use muckraker to summon Lovely and pitch a random hand card => this protects your big welcome turn one against Ash
  • going second; Cooclock and Torbie/Chandraglier: Activate Clock in hand -> Activate Furniture, pitch a random handcard and set big welcome -> trigger Clock to summon -> acticate big welcome; summon Lovely and bounce Clock to hand => now you can pop something on the field with Lovely during your opponents first turn!
  • going second; Torbie/Chandraglier, Lady Labrynth and Big welcome: activate furniture, pitch big welcome and set a Labrynth card -> chain Lady to summon herself => now you can use big welcomes graveyard effect as a quickplay to bounce a card on your opponents field during their first turn!

I hope the combos are understandable. And keep in mind these aren't combos you do every game, some are three card combos that rarely happen, but they can come up and can be pretty neat ^-^

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ID: 617-827-738

Here are some games I thought showcased some of the strong points of this deck if u want to check them out ^-^

There are some games utilizing the furniture handtrap disruptions going second, the Lovely handloop going first and what happens when you get to loop d barrier against tear. Also one game which I singlehandedly won with gamma into omega on my turn going second which I thought was pretty cool :3