
Master I from on August 10th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Don't play this deck, it's not good. I'm just coping that one day we will have peter, ringo and elf legal.

It's similar like my old build few months back, but instead I decided to add kashtiras, because they synergyze really well with bystials, especially going 2nd Kappa.

Veiler over imperm, because u can ns it and make chaos ruler with a kashtira, and get ashed/impermed and then lose the game, happened once. Also drawing it of regained isn't bad, better with bystials etc...

Deep Sea Sentry because for the combo with cupid pitch you need 2 non-tuners and 1 tuner, and deep sea sentry is the best one because you can revive it, mill 2 more and add diva for follow up.

Chaos Angel is MVP, beat a skill drain duelist with it, 3500 too hard to outskill.

No called by/crossout because they just won't have maxx c or I'll have ash :)

TL;DR Play Tear instead

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