
Master I from on August 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list was more on a control side rather than combo one and a bit resilient to Maxx C. I'd cut the exceed cause I feel it was a win more card and there's so many akward times when they Maxx C you and forced to not activate it so you can't give your opponent more cards. Its also very bricky sometimes in hand.

This list can just go summon sera, set 2-3 and pass and play through your opponents turn.

Extra Deck Techs:

Allomerus, Cularia and Bagooska were very seldom used so you just not craft it.

Exciton Knight into Zeus wins me so many games especially Kashtira and Spright so its highly recommend to craft it.

Underworld Goddess was also good. Don't cut it.

Play 3 copies of SERA. This list was more focused on the grind game.

All the trap holes were good against all the meta deck around master.

If you get evenly just keep rafflesia.

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Alt account D1 (mostly going second) 798-860-309