
Master I from on August 25th, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 270
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Centurion package makes the Blackwings endboard a lot stronger and adds some much needed grind game. 1x Sudri and nothing else can actually end on a pretty good endboard now.

As with any Blackwings deck though, brick rate is still higher than tier 1 decks and handtrap density is lower. Going second can often be a struggle.

Droll is really strong in the current meta, I found it more impactful than Veiler. Droll on your own turn against a Maxx C also doesn't hurt Blackwings nearly as much as other decks.

Magical Broker is the Small World bridge for every card in the deck except Nib. Nib and Broker itself can be bridged to Simoon via Primera. If you have combo pieces but no answer to Maxx C, it's always correct to Small World for an Ash.

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