
Master I from on August 29th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 270
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Took me pretty long to climb, mostly because i wasn't very motivated.

The deck is great and has performed going first and second. It's somewhat inconsistent when dealing with interruptions. Sometimes you'll be able to play through 4 hand traps, and sometimes you'll pass to 1.

That being said, i'm pretty happy with this list, i feel like every piece is used except for :

  • Icejade : You can replace it with anything, i never used it.
  • Feather duster : Was added late in the climb, never got to use it either.

You might be asking yourself : Why is this dude only playing 2 Trudea ?

Good question, thank you for asking. The truth is i kept openining it (sometimes at 2!) WITH Primera. Felt pretty bad since it's almost always better to use your normal sum on Primera (in my opinion).

The deck didn't suffer from reunning only 2 at all, so i kept it this way.

I also run the trap twice, i'm always happy to have it in hand, as discard fodder, interruption on even to baish my own monster (baron, angel, or even Primera for follow up). It s also GrEAT against Yubel, since their fusion doesn't come back or to draw with Regained.

I also play Lubellion at 2, again kept opening 2, or drawing it at the worse moment.

Note : Ofc i also kept seing driver in opening hands, but hey, what can you do ?

Ill try to climb with Fish or Red dragon Archfiend next season, we'll see.

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You can find replayes on my profile although i am not playing this deck in all of them.

ID : 520-628-162

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