
Master I from on August 14th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Have done the M1 grind with Branded almost every season this year so I felt like playing something different this time. Was a comfy climb outside of losing the promo to M1 four consecutive times and then deranking to M3. Thankfully after that my luck turned around and I made it to M1 with no further issues.

I only played something like 40 games with the deck, changing bits as I climbed, so I'm not certain about the ratios. This is also the first time I've played pure Chimera, so I don't have a wealth of experience to fall back on. In any case, my thoughts on card choices:

  • No Psy-Frames because its seeing so much play across the meta right now. With it being so common people usually play around it, meaning that those who run it end up with dead cards in hand and those who don't get a free ride due to their opponents' caution. Blind Bo1 sometimes nice???
  • Ghost Ogre is really good right now, I had a second one but I cut it and my second Ash to add two TTT. The TTT are excellent, this is the first deck I've ever played where I haven't found cause to cut TTT immediately. YMMV.
  • Ash is okay, decided to leave in one copy instead of just cutting it when I cut the second because having it as a target for Crossout is super helpful when it comes up and its not going to be dead in hand most of the time if you draw it. I'm not that impressed with it in this format generally, though, YMMV again.
  • Verte never came up, would cut it for anything else, maybe a second S:P, @Ignister Earth Golem, some other S. Poly target, whatever.
  • I had a brief stint trying Yubel LDF but I definitely feel Predaplant Triphyovertum performs a lot better for that role. It's also good against Centurion which is all over, as well as the rare Lab, Branded, etc., on top of being easier to summon against Yubel players. Funnily, it's Solemn effect can negate the intrinsic summon of Yubel Phantasm and send it straight to the GY. One time my opponent Psy-Frame'd me in response though so watch out for that I guess. Very silly looking scenario.
  • I've had a bunch of spots where I'd have liked to have had a third copy of Edge Imp Chain, that's worth considering if you need something to fill a slot.
  • Wanghu is great.
  • I don't see any point in running DARK statue when its mostly dead against the most popular decks in the meta. YMMV I guess but the statue seems super sus to me.
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