
Master I from on August 26th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 630
60 cards

Notes & Combos

The Zero still ABSOLUTE!!

Reached M1 on August 24th. Very late Max Rank this season, and will problably be late Max Ranks for the next season. My laptop I use to play MD got toasted around the 20th of July... joined late to the season on my potato IPad (laggy and heats up very fast T_T), also took like 1 week without trying around the middle of the month just because of how awful the experience is... but IT'S HERE NOW!

This season starts with another layer of annoyance that is Yubel, VV, and Centurion... with the first one taking the cake. It just makes me wish Konami put that much attention to Zombies :(

  • About my Deck:

Only swapped staples from the last season's deck. I can't consider Nibiru good in this Yubel meta... I swapped it and TTTalent to max out Imperm.

  • About this Season's meta:

Yubel is a "just go first bro" deck... I have a hard time dealing with all that floating plus monster negate that multiplies every play they have. But this deck can also give them a hard time by using Zombie World deterring a lot of their plays. If you want to ZW via Banshee, you must do it before they get a chance to make Phantom of Yubel... otherwise you they might negate Banshee, unless their is something to bait/take her out. Be wise and safe Yuki Icicle if you have Eldlixirs for a target negate ON SUMMON as most of them has 0 atk making Yuki Absolute unable to negate them.

Voiceless Voice is quite similar to Yubel where ZW can impact them although not so much. Another annoyance for the ladder with multiple forms of avoiding targeting effects... I really dislike this deck, because it shows how low this game has became that the deck has to say 1 card combo and omninegate to be good :( has Konami ran out of ideas??? but that's just my opinion.

Centurion goal is to... you guessed it, to put up omninegate through the true criminal of synchro decks... Crimson Dragon, who made King Calamity take the blame. Be aware that they have ways to protect their face up cards. There is a synchro they use that destroys the highest atk monster on field on summon... which this deck has it ok with Eldlich being usually the highest atk when it is indestructible by card effect. Make sure to chain everything on the end phase in the same chain if they have used Cosmic Blazar, otherwise it can return and negate infinetly. They are usually onto Bystial, so beware of what to summon first.



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TBH it feels good playing at the last week of the season. Less tryhard, but also don't feel so good showing it here this late :(

My ID: 956-924-612

More replays on this website's discord server in the #mayakashi channel, and typing "from:zantos" "has:video" in the search bar!!