
Master I from on August 5th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 630
46 cards

Notes & Combos

Quite hard this season

Yubel is quite easy as long they dont iblee lock you, priority kaiju rage to remove the escaped pop, get rid of the backrow is much more preferable

Rescue Ace: Get rid of backrow or prevent zealantis or they getting to zealantis is your priority

Fkse: Try to get rid of the monster negate (avarta 1st, appo 2nd) best is kaiju if not then bounce it with equip

Lab: Pray baby pray, play to your best of ability

As for pile deck it require you to read board so not much advice

I add cosmic cyclone as tech against deck like horus,stun, runick etc.. as sometime 2 wipe isnt enough so a more controlled removal is better

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