
Master I from on August 20th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 870
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Wanted to hit M1 without Maxx C this month, but eventually folded and just ended up running 1 as a crossout target since this build cannot play under it.

Kept track of w/l record for once after switching to this build, went 19-8 into M1 but it's late season so don't take that as a sign that this is a viable deck in the upper echelons of play.

Imo this or something very close to it is the only Nouvelle build worth playing in MD, talents and thrust are personal favourites of mine but could be swapped out for other non-engine, there's just not that much that doubles as extra pushing power going first and breaking power going 2nd.

Some small engines/cards worth considering

  • 2x Nadir + Maximus, good breaking power going 2nd but you'll lose games because of the ED lock and drawing maximus is painful
  • Enemy controller, good card that synergises with the deck but simply not impactful enough in the meta, we've moved beyond appo pass
  • Bystials, solid meta call but won't stop most decks unless paired with other handtraps and thus not very viable in this build. If you hate tear just run them
  • Libro engine (2x fire 2x geek 1x origin 1x appearance), self-contained value engine that sets up an easy SP or Baronne (with diviner). Don't recommend running the libro ritual/trap, very bricky and it makes the loop not work with some starters. Not running it since it doesn't actually start your Nouvelles plays and plays horribly into maxx C.
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(replays are mostly from older builds but same engine, so general gameplay should still be informative)