Pendulum Magician

Master I from on August 31st, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Trimmed some fat from my M5 decklist. The notes and comments there talk about the general gameplan. The notes here are just about this decklist.

Went 15-1 from M4 to M1 after nearly demoting to M5.

I started playing Crossout Designator after being Maxx C'd and Crossouted one too many times. It's there to be a 3rd Called By. Now it's 6 Maxx C outs in 41 cards instead of 5 in 43.

Not abandoning my GOAT Purple Poison Magician though. Poison is great vs Stun.

Only downside is that you're more likely to open hands that die to 1 handtrap. The price of having the Maxx C out more often.

Flex Slots: Droll, Purple Poison Magician, 2nd Harmonizing Magician, 3rd Dragon Shrine, Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing, Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon, Linguriboh

Extra Deck:

  • Linguriboh is just there for Yubel Iblee lock. It only came up once and I don't think it mattered much. Opponent threw afterwards so I didn't save the replay.
  • Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing is very nice going 2nd
  • Starving Venom Fusion Dragon & Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon are budget options for Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon
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ID: 002-019-149

Replays start on Aug 14. Full combo going 1st, combo through Nibiru without Astrograph, playing vs Maxx C and going 2nd vs Stun.

Messed up badly in the replay vs Ash icon on Aug 14. Should have made SP instead of IP to remove King's Sarc and lost focus after. Showing it because I use some less common effects and combo differently than usual.

I'll add replays where I combo with less ideal hands later.