
Master I from on August 26th, 2024
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 510
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the basic maxx C less pure RR deck. 1 Fuzzy can be cut to play exactly 40 cards. Most of the combos are already described in yami's introduction to RR arcticle.

The main tech card not that well known is the 1 of call to chain block rising rebellion falcon to make it immune to phantom of yubel.

Air raid, Stranger and Satellite add more board breaking capabilities going second on a notoriously bad going second engine, it's still not great but makes things better.

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Going second against yubel:

Going second against FK SE (one interuption from winning):

Going second against Runick stun:

Going second against Yubel (evenly instead of droplet), good showcase of going first combo and going second techs: