
Master I from on August 31st, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 120
45 cards

Notes & Combos


I got a bit burned out of the game after I got very unlucky with my hands so I decided to take a break from ranked, but I managed to reach M1 at the last day!

I think this list is a bit unrefined but it does a solid job.

Is focused on going first but it can easily otk going second (Duh, Scareclaw), specially thanks to Thrust. Going first it can help you set up Twinsaw if your main combo gets handtrapped or maybe Imp just to get and extra interruption, and going second it can help you break boards thanks to getting Raigeki and TTT or letting you access into engine thanks to being able to get you Rite of Aramesir or ROTA. I think playng it at 3 is not a bad idea.

Breaksword is turn 3 play if your opponent has important backrow but you don't want to commit a lot, you can target an used Reichphobia, Dracoback or even Tri-Heart to use its effect. It is far from vital so you can switch it for anything you want.

Also I tried the Codebreaker engine, is very good, but I decided to stick with this and maybe do the climb or part of it with the engine next season.

Ask any question you may have!

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Some replays here -> ID: 310-692-574