
Master I from on August 31st, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Got to master 1, While by no means is this deck perfect, this deck is a F2P deck where I just did Solo enough to get enough gems to do whatever packs could yield the most useful pulls I needed then any not needed cards got dusted to get the UR dust to craft a decent amount of this core and then from there was able to climb to then afford the rest of the deck. The Extra deck can also be not as robust and just be used for Pot banishes and you can swap the Super Polys for other statues or board breakers.

The Deck is a going first deck, because overall this deck going first can shut down most opponents and is only threatened by board breakers. So if the opponent ever tries to negate/destroy the status/dino solemn/trap stun should be used. Clockwork is also a great card as it buffs the statue/dino over the opponents possible normal summon out.

Going second is a mixed bag, if the opening hand does not have a good board breaker combo, want to see what your opponent is on then scope if unfavorable as this deck can grind quick wins since the lock is either effective or broken by turn 3. I have a lot of going second Wins by either shifter to shut down some decks, and Evenly to stop others. This deck does not perform well against multiple negate boards where board breakers, evenly or shifter cannot resolve. This deck does have a great going 2nd match up against Yubel with the help of Luna, Super Poly and Evenly.

your best hand is a Statues/Dino + Timetearing + Thunderking/Boarder + Necrovalley/Macro/clockwork + Solemn/draw card.

Overall, as someone who last played in paper in GX era, and only started doing master duel casually a few months ago, stopped and this past 2 weeks climbed to Master 1 from rookie, this deck allows for you to learn the opponents decks and maybe use this deck as a stepping stone to learn where certain choke points are should you transition to another deck in the future or learn what an uninterrupted end board for meta decks looks like. This deck is also future proof, bar a targeted ban list, since most meta cards will be hit and stun is not as likely to be hit and adapting it to the new meta can just mean swapping a few tech cards over changing a whole Yubel deck for the latest Meta Pack release Archetype.

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