
Master I from on August 24th, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

So in y opinion pretty much every deck is a coin flip but i really enjoy the futility of maxx C against this deck and plenty of negates are also useless, the hardest time ive had in mirror mathces and with runick deck, some trouble gking second but not that much, evenly helped a lot with that. inhave tried other variations of the deck but this is the one that made it work for me, i've added the barriers as with a lower number of monsters its difficult to open and bricks a bit, the rock bartier is very usefull now, only kash might get past but very low odds, ans the light and water barrier well just hope you dont come across voiceless voice for light and ice barrier/tearlaments with those in hand but they are very manageble and once you completely lock the board it's pretty much game over. The ED is for the pots and golgonda. with golgonda and the equip spells you should have no truoble setting up and trap stun and judgement to protect from imperm and you are golden. Matchups: -voiceless voice - going second it's pretty hard but doable depending on how strong they start, going first 90% win -yubel- they have no protection against evenly so it's one of my favorite matches, also moon mirror minimizes the risk of going second, if you have evenly it's game over second and first its extremley easy as they have all 0 attack so with one monster out it's pretty much over -centur-ion - going second no way to do anything if they set up the board, only chance gling second is if they brick and you manage to pull out some stuff, glimg first is kind of hard too as they have high attack so you need protection for monsters and traps but manageble - snake eyes all the variations going second it's okay i would say easier than centurion but harder than yubel, sort of same as voiceless voice -labrynth - not much trouble to be honest, trap stun and judgement will get you through, not to mention evenly -branded, going second hard-ish but not that much, first no issues Overall i would say it is pretty balanced for what the meta looks like right now

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