
Master I from on August 26th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 600
56 cards

Notes & Combos

This started as 40 cards but I kept adding things to the pile while I ranked up. A big pile feels like the right approach to see certain cards less and to see less duplicates of the once per turn cards that are ran at multiple copies.

The answers to Maxx C are Librarian, Thrust and Card Destruction. The level 6 Synchro can bounce Card Destruction to the hand after it's set by Thrust.

Maxx C is the only handtrap. After letting the opponent do their thing on turn 1, it's definitely possible to play through a lot of endboards with 6 cards. There's a lot of special summoning and ways to bait out interaction.

Basic combo once you're on Stardust + Speeder + 4 Tuners (Try in Solo):

Ancient Fairy -> Baron -> Special Trail with Illu -> Librarian -> Crimson -> Revive Ancient Fairy with Rumble -> Tribute an extra body for Stardust Synchron + Trail, or Tribute Ancient Fairy and revive it with Assault Synchron -> Punisher -> Crimson on Punisher for Shooting Majestic 1-> Revive Rev Synchron from GY -> Second Crimson -> Revive Jet from GY -> Accel Synchron (make lv 9) + Trail Token -> Dis Pater -> Summon back banished Stardust, make it lv 3 with Illu GY effect -> Omega -> In their standby phase use Crimson on Shooting Majestic for a second one and return assault to GY with Omega if you banished it


2x Shooting Majestic, Baron, Dis Pater, Omega

That's 4 Omni Negates, a monster negate, and potentially 2 handloops if you didn't need Dis Pater effect to make Omega

Feel free to ask me things in the comments

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I saved 10 replays between Master 5 and Master 1 if anyone wants to see the deck in action. Mostly going second in the replays.

ID: 909-748-163