
Master I from on August 25th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tiaraments strongest!

No joke. I am surprised that Kitkallos is still legal, which makes Tear one of the BEST decks in Master Duel even with only 2 names in the deck. Before crafting Tearlaments, I looked up some builds online and saw the build of Skreegon, which is really solid in my opinion and the starting point for my own build.


Skreegon already explained the majority of card choices, but I still want to talk about my own experience with certain card choices:

  • Tear engine: Maxing out on cards that are good mills and good draws is really important, therefore 3 Reino, 3 Scream and 2 Destrudo.
  • Tear traps: Sulliek limited unfortunately, so Metanoise (second best option) highly recommended. Cryme gives you more resilience against Boardbreakers and Bystials, but is probably cuttable.
  • Sea Mare: 3 are too cloggy, but without Mare the deck is missing starters and Aquas, so 1-2 should be ideal.
  • no Dangers, weak vs Maxx C
  • Non-engine: 10 seems decent. I tested with less, tested with more. Ideally you want to see 1-2 non-engine and not brick on too many non-engine cards. In general boardbreakers have a better synergy with Tear than handtraps. I tried Ash Blossom, but not good enough going second. Gamma is even weaker than Ash because it doesn't stop Maxx C on normal summon Reino going 1st. Talents can serve a similar role as Ash: beat Maxx C by crippling the opponents hand.
  • Extra deck: The only mandatory cards are the Tear fusions and Redoer. Mudragon, Garura and Dragostapelia are mainly superpoly targets, but you can also summon them with Tear names. Sometimes you can superpoly your own board for game. I love Baronne in this deck, because Baronne is broken. Can pop Scheiren/Trivikarma + free Omninegate. I want to make Baronne every single time going 1st, therefore 2 Destrudo. I also played 2 Destrudo in the TCG before the Baronne ban. Going second, Psychic End Punisher (3+4+4=11) is a strong alternative to Baronne, because PEP can easily one-punch the opponent. With Destrudo, Clown and PEP effect you can reach 8.5-9.5k ATK really consistent. Deep Sea Prima Donna enables PEP with just Lv4+Destrudo, which comes up sometimes. Typhoon can save you going second and Cross-Sheep can revive Reino during the opponents turn for Kaleido/Winda, which is just instant game.

Never needed Exciton or Zeus. I prefer going for the PEP OTK.

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Replays from my grind to Master I should be on my YT channel soon. Check out the channel if you want to master Tearlaments and hit Master I too.