Voiceless Voice

Master I from on August 20th, 2024
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Before anything else... yes, this is a build without Pendulumgraph for a couple of reasons: the deck costs a soul and a half to build and I had no UR points left. Also I wanted Saffira the Divine Dragon due to her utility. And let me just say she didn't disappoint. If you want to try her in your deck, make sure you have a nice set of handtraps. She's really good at unbricking your hand or field.

I purposefully deranked from Diamond 2 to 5 just to learn this deck and try climbing with to M1 as I was waiting for this deck to hit MD since January. I gathered some important stuff for you guys in the text below.


  • If you open Herald + Saffira and you have no other options left. Start with Saffira first to dump the ritual spell and grab Sauravis, then normal summon Herald. Now you're protected and you can start comboing.
  • If they open Maxx C and you have Radiance without Lo + a way to ritual summon (two monstes or a spell), pass the turn then activate the trap, shuffle the spell or monster and special summon Lo > activate Blessing if you don't have it on your field and then the next time they summon a monster you can ritual summon.
  • If you opened only Lo + Saffira or another way to ritual summon, double check your hand: if you got Maxx C, summon Skull Guardian + Lo and Barrier on the field, then summon Dyna Mondo. If they Call By Dyna Mondo, trigger Maxx C during the draw phase. However, if you have Radiance, only activate Dyna Mondo during the Main Phase because the moment you try to summon Skull Guardian and they try to Call By it, shuffle it back to the deck and Summon Sauravis. Sauravis will activate bringing a ritual monster which in turn will trigger Lo.
  • If you want to play Saffira, try more handtraps that can be triggered during both turns preferably because she has the drawing power to either become more negates or unbrick your hand/field, not to mention her recycle power. Especially because she can bring back Nibiru, Veiler and Sauravis to your hand (Blessing can't recycle Sauravis as it's not technically a Voiceless card).
  • Oh and always put the Nibiru token under the Extra monster zone. If everything else fails when you normal summon Lo and get negated, go for Anima to destroy the big token and then at least you can summon SP Little Knight to try and survive next turn.

Thank you for your time! I'll be happy to answer any questions.

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ID: 144-623-543

There are some replays going first with alll the possibilites the deck can stop the opponent (and still a couple of interactions left), a mirror match and a going second duel against Yubel where Saffira the Divine Dragon closed the game (even though I could still keep comboing).