Voiceless Voice

Master I from on August 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My first Master 1 run after a long break Went in with zero knowledge of the deck so took some very avoidable losses between Master 5 to Master 3.

I tried several different lists (pendulumgraph, nadir, no old man) but this list is the one that finally clicked. Saffira ritual went crazy in nearly every duel I summoned her. Drawing into a clutch droll/veiler from Saffira ritual summon happened quite a lot. Chaos Angel came up twice, Anima once. S:P is extremely good.

Ntss and herald is just there in case you run into the mirror running Nadir. I did dump ntss once with diviner. I could've gotten away with 1 dyna mondo but I don't feel like I missed anything in my extra deck during the climb. The link 3s and higher never came up for me.

Still learning the deck but in general just try to bait interruptions out with your spells and try to get sauravis ritual to hand before commiting to a normal summon/skull guardian ritual summon if you think they have imperm.

Always be mindful that your trap only works in the MAIN phase. I messed this up several duels learning the deck. Oh and, don't be too greedy with your barrier search. I've lost a few duels being mindless and searching for Saffira instead of just going for Skull Guardian. And uhh, droll is the MVP, FTK handtrap against some matchups like SEFK and a wacky counter to maxx c that actually works.

Fun. 10/10 reinvigorated my desire to play this game.

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replays: 698-058-440