
Master I from on December 4th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos

There is a stronger version of this deck, you know what is it?

Yes, Singularity finally arrived. Now we can perform V-Link using the Firewall package and YOINK up to 6 opponent cards. What a crack!

Anyway that's not my Decklist, I rather use the old one due to the capability of playing through disruptions is reasonably better, and I do think the Firewall and Zeal combo are way overkill, not an ideal deck for climbing.

Techs and Staples :

  • Promethean Princess, Bestower Flames

    Promethean alone adds possibility and alternative play. When your combo lines are not going well like being hit by handtraps here and there or a giant meteor extinct your board, she probably will be your Savior.

  • Droll & The Lock Bird

    3 Droll? Really? Yeah, why not? I'm used to playing under Droll (check my replays for how to play under Droll). In MD or OCG format, we can see the potential of decks from how they handle Maxx"C", Droll is one of my answers and it's also a powerful HT in the current format. Now I have 8 anti-Maxx"C" cards.

  • Secret Village of the Spellcasters

    Say NO to Spell, it's also the combo line when opponent Maxx"C" resolves, Bagooska + Secret Village is a solid board.

  • Red Reboot

    Say NO to Trap. Man, going first Mathmech is problematic, we can't do anything if not open with handtrap or red reboot.

  • Vortex Package

    The easiest way to have omni-negate and also it has good synergy with Revolution and Sky Iris.

No Master Pendulum, The Dracoslayer?

You may wonder why no Master Pendulum in my deck, even though this deck has low scale issue. Yeah, so I tried to build a deck that good at both going first and second, that's why I play a lot of staples which is unusual in a pendulum deck. My build is focused on a 2-3 card combo, in this case Master Pendulum is somewhat brick since it cannot be used as material for Beyond the Pendulum. I don't think this card is bad, it just doesn't suit my playstyle.

And Lastly

To All Fellow Pendulum Players. Hope our Pendulum Zones will not locked by Shangri-ira.

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