Notes & Combos
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I've wasted time trying out different options like Promethean Princess, Regulus, and the Adventurer engine, but they just don't get the job done (can see me complaining about them in Crusadia channel lol). Ultimately, Small World Legacy (SWL) is still working as before, the same way as before.
See previous SWL posts:
Small World network map (thanks X X I L): https: //
Key changes:
- Blue Sky back up to 3x. I was stupid. It's better to have an extra Mekk body to discard with Morning Star if necessary, even if Blue Sky is basically a vanilla body without Girsu on turn 1.
- Droll is pretty good right now + fits nicely into the SW network.
- Nibiru should be in for sure now, even if just as a Crossout target. Good vs wombo combo, fits in SW network. Play rate rising in general.
- I wrote a ton about using 3x WL Memory as E-Tele, but the 2nd Succession is coming up more frequently now as decks like VS are forcing me to quickly replenish bodies on the field. All these effects in the hand and GY everywhere now aren't affected by WL Secret, so the primary control mechanism in this deck isn't always capable of cleanly controlling the field. Being able to slam a Link-2 on board with Succession on turn 3 adds to the deck's sustain. I guess I could cut TTT to get Memory back to 3, but TTT is still too good to be dropped. I've been doing ok with 2 Succession and 2 Memory for now.
- Extra Deck is basically the same, but I've been toying with Knightmare Gryphon recently. Don't summon it all that often, but it is good in certain situations. That up arrow, its biggest weakness, can be blocked by Girsu's WL token on the opp's side of the field! Thus, Gryphon backed by WL Secret (Indigo can shift below Gryphon to cover its column) is pretty much an in-theme Skill Drain, albeit obviously much worse than the trap lmao. I tend to go into it on opp's turn with Spatha/Lib + I:P. If it's a matchup with a deck that does not put up big bodies at the start of its combo, such as Purrely, Knightmare Gryphon can really turn the duel into a non-contest. Look out for big bodies such as Bystials, Lady Labrynth, and Kashtira; against decks with those cards, I just go into the usual Astram or Unicorn.
- Yes, Gryphon is a floodgate, but I will never apologize for using World Legacy cards. It's just the Iblee-corrupted Purple Nightfall after all. It's also a pretty gimpy floodgate that costs a lot to get to, unlike the traps.
- Seriously considering going to 2x Secret because the 1st one gets removed way too often, and in the grindgame I would much rather set a 2nd Secret than another Memory. I don't think it would take the place of a Memory or Succession, but will have to figure out how to fit it in. It's fine to draw in certain hands, but not others.
Overall, same resilience issues as with every Crusadia/Girsu Normal Summon-reliant deck ever, but more than capable of putting together wins to climb the ladder. Consistency is a bit painful still, even with 3x Small World, especially because of the HTs. But the WL engine simply cannot play through boards going 2nd on its own, so I rely entirely on HTs when I lose the coin toss.
Going first, decks like VS and Dragon Link can sometimes open enough gas to blow through my typical board. It's a standard 2x monster negate with Secret + potentially Lib bounce (or Lib+Unicorn bounce) + any HTs in the opening hand. This is a decent but not particularly strong board. Secret does counter the tag-out mechanic of VS since it's a column activation negate, which is nice. If they happen to have enough unique names in hand, though, they can just swarm enough times to outlast Indigo's shiftiness, so it's not a good matchup. For the other older decks, just hit the usual chokepoints and hope they don't have extra extenders. Nothing complicated.
I would ideally like a way of putting up 1 more negate, preferably an omni like World Legacy's Sorrow. Unfortunately, it can't really be set up consistently alongside WL Secret, does clash with Secret's column control, and would cost me the Lib bounce. Even if there were a way of always getting to it, I'm not sure I'd prefer it to the Secret+I:P board.
That is why I have been exploring alternatives. Still have not found a satisfactory solution. Do let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks!
Have been traveling, so have not been able to record gameplay footage. I did save some nice duels to my MD account and will record and upload those when I'm back. Deck plays exactly the same as before, anyway. See previous replays if you need a reference.
Playlist for all replays I've ever uploaded: