Notes & Combos
I'm really excited to share this because this is something I've been working on for a while. Something else I am really proud of is my DC performance. This is my Labrynth decklist which I managed to get Top 500 with. You can check this out along with some replays here -
This deck is really fun especially if you like Kashtira and the addidtional disruption Runick provides. The combination of these two archtypes that are not commonly played together also provides a pretty unique challenge which I will go into more detail on. These are what I believe to be the best ratios but I would consider TTT and Moonlit to be flex spots to play something else if you'd like.
Start with Kashtira, then go into Runick and use Runick as extra support to protect your Kashtira cards from destruction and also as extra disruption on your opponent's turn. You need to remember that there is a fine balance of going too much into Runick and not being able to SS Kash cards and Kash with Arise Heart banishing all Runick cards and you don't draw. Overall you can take your time, not overextend, and in most games your opponent just runs out of resources and you win that way. There were very very few games I actually won by battle. Pretty much all wins were oppoent running out of key cards + having no GY.
Things to Know
- Hugin will block you from SS Kash from hand (I know it is obvious but you need to keep that in mind if you do not have birth)
- Kashtiratheosis will not allow you to SS Hugin or Geri
- You can (sometimes) chanlink block hugin and fountain with Kashtira cards - ex in replays (SS unicorn - activate runick to SS Hugin - Opp CL Maxx C - on resolution -> Hugin search + CL block with Unicorn) same goes for fountain draw if you can time it correctly. Again there are replays showing how you can do this (even if Kash cards are negated).
- Most of the time you will not have a battle phase - think of how you can bait monster effects on YOUR TURN from your opponent with Runick cards to still use Kashtira effects to banish their cards.
- Don't be afraid to just keep Runick spells set to use Hugin to protect from destruction + disrupt opponent. You don't need Fountain every game and in some cases you are better off without it and leaning more into Kashtira.
- Fountain from banished - Make AriseHeart - attach fountain - AriseHeart to GY - Geri add back from GY.
You can find replays for this list as well as top 500 DC Labrynth deck (full list above)
As always feel free to message me here or on discord (dominick1234) for help or to play!