Notes & Combos
Was stuck in m3 with bystial runick so decided to try mathmech. Watched a couple guides on youtube for basic combos then got stuck in.
Found the deck super strong going first, won vast majority of tenpai match ups and felt it was very effective playing through handtraps/disruption and still put out good enough boards.
Combo lines are pretty straight forward to learn just need to get the placement of your pieces correct to not block link summon effects.
Think the ratio's are pretty solid as rarely bricked. Small world at 3 seems really good for this and knowing the bridges to get into diameter plays is crucial.
If no diameter then firewall defenser gets you bodies to find alternative combo lines into your plays.
Endboard pretty standard: Neotempest + Decode talker + super fact w/ Desavewurm & diameter in grave; with couple handtraps and board is very difficult to break.
1 spell/trap negate, 1 omni for face up card, potential for 1 hand rip, 1 spell/trap removal, 1 monster removal, 1 extra omni w diameter, plus handtraps.
Can OTK going 2nd w jammer and accesscode