
Master I from on February 28th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First and foremost,

Konami, why dont you put Masterflare and Majesty into the secret pack?

When they added an alt Apollousa in the Fairy packs, they didnt even bother to add our core cards there. It could be so much better to promote Agent with the pack available.

It was a wacky run this time. I tried pushing with Venus, trying out all extender variants and still failed on Master III. Venus really struggles in this meta of one-card-combo, ridiculuos recursion, and tons of handtraps.

The meta was quite diverse in mid-February, but with the emergence of Snake-Eyes, it is evident that we are approaching tier 0.

Everyone and their mother is playing SE or some abomination in between. It's amazing how SE players can still earn decent boards despite misplaying.

SE, in my perspective, is splashable and has healthy interactions. Personally, I don't mind them being the meta champion. Given the banlist and leaks that have already surfaced, this will last for at least another month.

My Agent list has not changed much from last season. I might try Scarr Archfiend next season and see how it goes from there.

Many people have told me: too bad it's expensive:(

The Agent is pricey for a standard rouge deck. However, even after two years since its introduction, it remains a viable investment. At least it takes me to the highest rank every season. Plus, it is not axed for being excessively broken (Tear, Sprights, etc).

You can play it competitively or go nuts with the other Fairy arsenal extenders, like in a Venus version. Mastering Agent is far more complex than summoning Robina or Fenrir. So there is room for you to learn and cook on your own.

However, I appreciate that not everyone enjoys playing this deck. It also lacks support and will desperately require one in the near future. Hopefully, Konami will provide LIGHT support following this wave of FIRE decks. Until then, I might try my FIRE deck, such as Infernoids, for the DC.

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As usual, most of the replays are going second, with all taken in Master rank. This time, generic staples like imperm were quite helpful. However, we also do brick occasionally.

Well, it's not always easy, so in the last replay, I used a lost match replay against SE with a brick hand. We managed to shatter their board, but the recursion proved too much. Nonetheless, the message remains strong that with the right knowledge and luck, we can bear fang against them and push for victory.

Behold the arts of breaking boards!:

I will also put different replays about this deck in my ID. Feel free to check it out! ID: 165-052-283