
Master I from on February 15th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 180
41 cards

Notes & Combos

First time reaching Master 1 in Master Duel, didn't play much after last time I uploaded here, I picked Blackwing because I love playing the deck in the TCG, so I thought I will give it a try in Master Duel (even though there's still no Horus in MD yet, but deck still solid).

Deck is underrated, biggest problem for this deck is that it gets hit hard by this format handtraps, Droll and Nibiru mostly, other hand traps don't hit hard really much (except Ogre against Sudri with no Whirlwind).

But the deck still can play under droll if the combo started with a good search, that's why I prefer starting with Sudri more than Simoon, and even if you get hit by Nibiru, there's sometimes good extenders that can keep the board going (Zephyros, Black-Winged Assault Dragon, Bystials, Synchron, etc.)

Check the replays to get an idea of how the deck is played, enjoy.

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Check out my replays here: SkyWarrior! ID: 336-405-687

► Replay 1: Superheavy Samurai (!st)

► Replay 2: Stun (2nd)

► Replay 3: Superheavy Samurai (1st)

► Replay 4: Superheavy Samurai Branded Lock (2nd)

► Replay 5: Marincess (2nd)

► Replay 6: Kashtira (1st)