
Master I from on February 15th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list is mainly built for ladder, with Mathmech providing very quick games through players scooping if they know they cant answer the combo when you activate Circular in hand, the combo itself also being a lot shorter than that of decks like Superheavy or Mannadium, and with Snake-Eyes' presence in the metagame, being able to run a ton of handtraps is fantastic right now.

I traded higher ceiling for more consistency by upping the count of Sigma, Addition and Subtraction in exchange for any supplementary engines, making it easier to play through interuptions as well as adding more follow-up for an OTK. Gamma can insulate your combo further by negating the earth insect when chained on Circular, which while incorrect as it is better to wait for Sigma's effect in grave playing around both Gamma and Bagooska, is something that still happens often on ladder, or Ash on Cynet Mining or Small World, allowing you to even more consistently pull off the combo, while also being a powerful handtrap going second. Do keep in mind that you cannot use Transcode's effect on the turn you activate Gamma, which is also why it has anti-synergy with the Firewall Defenser engine that has that same restriction. The single free extra deck slot Mathmech has is used for Omega, which is able to punish your opponent even more heavily with a handrip if they let you use Gamma on your own turn, however it might just be very win-more as getting your combo successfully pulled off is usually already enough to win.

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