
Master I from on February 29th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Notable Changes From Season 25

I climbed from Diamond V using this build to satisfy my curiosity. Please support the original youtuber who developed this recipe.

Youtube: ゼンマイハンターちゃんねる

Deck Profile:

This build was developed the season before and I've heard it dubbed as "Two-Body Mathmech." With Dotscaper and Clock Wyvern representing two cyberse bodies, you can end on Terahertz + Superfactorial. Nabla, V-LAN Hydra, Inverted and Wicckid are required to perform this combo. My understanding from the video above is that Mining, Small World, and Defenser were vulnerable to Ash and Droll and Dot + Clock was their solution to this. These had the upside of being starters with no discard cost or maindeck requirements.

Some things I learned during the climb:

  • Clock & Dotscaper combo is vulnerable to Imperm/Veiler on Splash. It might be my perception but it did not feel like the deck ran enough extenders to push past interruption. Circular
  • This deck does not necessarily play around Ash unless people Ash Wicckid and you punish with Terahertz. If not, Nabla tributing Inverted is very vulnerable since only V-LAN and Nabla remain. People who save Ash for Alemb are rewarded for their patience since Alemb appears later in the combo, denying me Terahertz and Superfactorial.
  • Inability to scale the endboard with engine. I liked Singularity, Conflict, or Heatsoul as options because they let you do more with just 1 additional extender. This deck caps at Terahertz + Superfactorial, but it was still enough to win going 1st. Most hands lacked ways to trade engine for non-engine. For example, Heatsoul drawing or Small World searching a handtrap could offset this.

Some things that appear to be issues at first glance but did not come up:

  • Dotscaper's once per Duel restriction. I did not have a game where this restriction mattered for additional copies. This was one of your main starters so you needed to see it as often as possible.
  • No Update Jammer. I relied on Multi to OTK most of the time or Crystal Heart + Tera. Did not miss it much, even if an OTK is not possible going 2nd, you can simplify the board and set up Superfactorial to clean up.
Matchup Breakdown (118 Duels; 58 Heads, 60 Tails)
  • 32 Snake-Eye (27.1%, W/R = 56%)
  • 10 Mathmech (8.5%, W/R = 90%)
  • 9 Bystial Branded (7.6%, W/R = 66%)
  • 7 Superheavy Samurai (5.9%, W/R = 28.5%)

Snake-Eyes are definitely the best deck.

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Follow me on Master Duel! ID: 122-966-180

  1. Zoodiac (Kuriboh avi)
  2. Snake-Eye (Nemleria avi)
  3. Kashtira (Blue-Eyes avi)
  4. Branded (DC Silver avi)
  5. Kashtira (Weather Painter avi)
  6. Snake-Eye (Promethean avi)
  7. Stun (Visas avi)
  8. Snake-Eye (Oneiros avi)
  9. SHS (I:P avi)
  10. Branded (Promethean avi)

If you're interested in commentary, I will upload a youtube video in the comments in the next couple days. Thank you for your patience (ETA will be Mar 2nd, 2024).