
Master I from on February 28th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 450
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Check m5 writeup for more details

tldr w/ where arf thou or diabellstar

  • Extend when hajun is negated to go into snake eye board
  • If Hajun isn't negated, maya climb and Flamberge summons the maya link 3 in grave for an extra negate or can sit on sinful trap from diabell
  • can still maya climb if hajun negated with yuki + (where arf/diabell)

This was a tough climb with anti snake-eyes tech hitting maya as well. Lots of Kash end of season. It doesn't help this is a worse snake-eyes deck with limited extra deck. I added more handtraps to help going 2nd. Took out droll as it wasn't helping much with snake eyes, would rather veiler ash and pray. Deck size changed alot. Went over 40 to avoid some bricks (flamberge, dakki, yuki, maya and diabell traps). Seemed consistent enough to get at least one of the archetypes. Could take out some maya ed for linkuriboh or other staples but lose out on double yuki link 3. Pretty exhausting climb overall, but its nice to finally reach m1 with a maya variant I cooked up.


Once again thanks to nairito, zantos and gandara for the support!

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ID: 093-478-666

My first 3 are my last wins to master 1. Previous rankups to m5 shifted down.


Endboard videos:

Hajun + where arf

Hajun negated + where arf

Hajun + where arf ash search

Hajun + diabellstar ash search