
Master I from on February 27th, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I should preface this guide by stating that Centur-Ion is an incredible well-designed deck. It is not broken, but it is really competent going first. As for going second, deckbuilding is essencial, cause usually you cannot go through 3 or even 2 interactions with engine. Because it has limited resources, it makes you become a better player overall by measuring your resources and putting thought into every interaction/combo line. For being challenging and funny, it has been one of my favorite decks since its releasing in MD. If you're looking for something amusing and is tired of the fiendsmith bullcrap, I highly recommend it. Furthermore, although its extradeck might look expensive, most UR cards in the main and extradeck are staples, so if you already have a broad collection, crafting it won't be a problem.

Going into the deckbuilding, I might say I've tried a variety of decklists and handtraps packages until reaching this list, which means every card included or not included has a reason for it. As for the engine, I use the basic package, which is 3x Stand-Up, 3x Primera and 3x Trudea, which are pretty much mandatory in every Centur-Ion deck. As for the 'optional' cards, I picked Gargoyle over Emeth, since I think it's better for combo and follow-up; Bonds is essencial cause its the best follow-up in my opinion, even better than the fieldspell, and also its great for combo; I don't think Wake Up is necessary and it's also a brick sometimes; 1x Phalanx, rather than 2, proved to be good enough; and, finally, I've included 1x True Awakening, even tho its a brick, it raises your power ceiling tremendously. This deck can easily play 43 or 44 cards, but consistency is insane at 40. Lastly, I dont recommend the inclusion of bonfire at all. 6x normal summons is consistent enough, and drawing 2 normal summons feels horrible, specially going second. I frequently experienced opening 2 normal summons + bonfire going second, which is pretty much insta loss. Also, bonfire makes you weaker to droll. Bystials are phenomenal in this deck, cause it provides better grind game, stronger endboards and are good disruption going 1st and 2nd. The basic Bystial package, 3x Lubellion, 3x Bystials and 1x regained felt like the perfect fit. I've tried a 4th bystial too, but I don't think its impactful enough. As for the tech cards, the maxx c package, 3x ash blossom, 2x maxx c, 2x called and 1x crossout is self explanatory. Some players opt for 1 called and/or 0 crossout, cause the deck is decent under maxx c; but crossout and called are also good disruption cards, and prevent you from getting other hand traps. 3x imperm cause its one of the best cards of the game. Droll is great against fiendsmith/azamina's decks in general, sky striker/sky striker-tenpai, white forest and its also instawin against some heavy combo rogue decks. I also play 3 going second cards: 2x fuwalos and 1x feather duster. Since Stand-up discards, you're not punished by opening those bricks while going first. I think 2x fuwa is good enough, and I'd say feather duster is the best card of the deck. I've never regreted it once after including it into my deck, and it's really useful in this meta rn, cause there is too much backrow **** on ladder to target fiendsmith, like kashtira, exodia, runick and labrynth. Diving into the extradeck, most cards are self-explanatory as well. I run 2x legatia cause its better disruption and grind game tool, rather than auxila, since it's almost an exclusive going 1st card and second auxila was never needed. You can be greedy and run 2x blazar, but 1x does the job, specially cause this list adopts True Awakening. Supernova is great against tearlaments and decks that can't summon a negate early, and it feels a lot safer to play it when you have True Awakening on your backrow. Artemis and Almiraj are meant to facilitate s:p, and Doomed Dragon is really helpful to deal with big boys, monsters immune to destruction and other annoying cards like mirrorjade. Doomed Dragon is also a great finisher, giving a last push for the otk, which the deck lacks a lot without it, cause it doesn't spam monsters, and your Centur-ion special summons are limited.

Considering overall play and comboing, i might add some quick tips:

  1. One of Centur-ion's greatest pros is the fact that it plays really well into maxx c/fuwa/purulia. Sometimes its even worth to let those cards resolve and save called by for another handtraps or save ash/called for turn 2, specially if you're facing a going 2nd deck.
  2. Keep in mind that sometimes is better to not go all in on combo and save resources to the long run. Sometimes, you might even consider Legatia over Auxila to look for a handtrap.
  3. You usually activate Lubellion only after summoning Auxila to play around droll. Your highest ceiling combo is when you draw Lubellion. You can summon auxila with gargoyle, return it to hand, summon gargoyle again and only then use lubellion, cause this way you gain an extra summon from gargoyle, instead of using Lubellion immediately when you first summon gargoyle. On this line, you can usually end with auxila, i:p, regained, 2 centur-ion monsters on S/T zones and druis in hand.
  4. Try to always play around handtraps. Centur-ion doesnt lose to droll, but it doesnt mean you should ignore it. If your hand allows it, search for an endboard piece first instead of an extender. You can always play around ash by summoning Magnamhut together with Primera or by cl1 Primera cl2 Stand-Up, then if you've used Gargoyle you can cl1 Auxila cl2 Gargoyle and you're not getting ash'd at all. Also, always consider some opponents might save veiler or imperm to auxila, and not ending your turn with primera in S/T zone hurts a lot.
  5. At the opponent's turn, try to wait for them to play the first card to go for crimson dragon, so you dont get imperm'd.
  6. Primera + any bystial into Chaos Angel is the nuts against tenpai, even better than Baronne most of the times. Without droplet, raigeki/dark hole or talents, they can't deal with it.
  7. Be efficient. Primera is the only tuner in the deck and because of its effect, most of the times you'll only be able to synchro summon once in a turn.
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